Lisa Kudrow Pictures page

Lisa Kudrow plays Phoebe Buffay in the hit TV show- FRIENDS . CLICK ON THE IMAGE TO VIEW THE FULL SIZE PICTURE.
Lisa and Julian Stern Top shot of Lisa with long hair in a brown shirt Micheal kissing his wife's hand (she's wearing a wedding dress, he's wearing a tux) Lisa with her leg over a porch wearing a long white dress
Lisa with husband, standing next to a giant, upside down ice cream(?) Lisa in a black lacy top Lisa looking over her shoulder at camera A close up of Lisa's face- feathered hair Lisa looking slightly to side of camera- green shirt, black jacket
Lisa on a sunbed, short dress and black shoes Lisa at a counter next to a toaster Full length shot of Lisa at counter wearing a long black dress. Lisa in a white semi-open shirt, no bra Lisa with arms folded, waistcoat over dress
Lisa looking over her shoulder, with a white vest-top on Lisa in  a red dress, posing with arms behind head, red dress Lisa standing with arms behind her head but in jeans and a white t-shirt Lisa looking at a pair of scissors- about to cut her hair,

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